RBA Cash Rate: 4.35% · 1AUD = 0.67 USD · Inflation: 4.1%  
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Example Interest Rates: Home Loan Variable: 5.69% (5.89%*) • Home Loan Fixed: 5.48% (6.24%*) • Fixed: 5.48% (6.24%*) • Variable: 5.69% (5.89%*) • Investment IO: 5.74% (6.40%*) • Investment PI: 5.49% (6.27%*)

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148 Leads for a little over 1k

Every now and again I feel the need to prove a point because there are still brokers and other businesses that are led to believe by the leadgen charlatans that investing in (what is usually non-compliant and/or illegal) pay-per-lead services is a good idea. Paid leadgen services might charge around $18-$20’000 for the pictured 148 leads, while our broker paid


Buying 50 Leads Versus 50 DIY Leads

The purpose of sharing this screenshot isn’t because the lead cost is low, because it isn’t, but it is within acceptable limits despite the fact the campaign is performing in the bottom 35% of all those we manage. I see businesses buy individual leads for anything between $80 and $200, and brokers will routinely purchase packs of 50 leads for


New FB Campaign Returning $6.20 Leads

This is a reasonable example of what the leadgen charlatans don’t want you to see. There’s a $20 budget assigned to a video ad, and after a few days of its initial run it’s already returning $6.20 leads. Given that it’s a first print, the split and improvements will likely drive the cost to around $3 (CPC still isn’t where


$5.69 Mortgage Leads

I criticise leadgen charlatans all the time. Usually because they’re a business-debilitating service that’ll do nothing but expose you to non-compliance and illegal advertising. Digital leadgen is easy. A ‘generic’ campaign takes minutes to create and outperforms pay-per-lead and industry-unawares leadgen peckers without exception. If you’re engaging in Facebook advertising, consider the pictured 85 leads at $5.69 (still high, and


Tayla’s Facebook Refinance Advert

We’re big advocates for brokers recording their own ads (rather than using our generic video). It’s easy to do: you pull out your phone and read off a few lines of text. Simple. The personalisation is more likely to engage with your audience, it enhances branding, and it legitimises your operation. You can shoot a little B-roll in the office,


Facebook Campaign Performance, January 2024

Important note for clients. Over the last few months we’ve spent a ridiculous amount of time reworking the funnel flows for various types of advertising (we’ve had to cater for the ubiquitous illegal advertising that populates various social platforms). Typical leads off *generic* programs are coming in at around $15 (this includes leads delivered by our free plugin), while funnel-focused


Shad of the Day, 12th December 2023

Shad of the Day, 12th December 2023. This ad (in multiple forms and pages) comes from a mob called ‘Acquirely’ – they’re clearly a little clueless when it comes to financial advertising. There’s generally no harm in promoting on rate (since it’s considered by almost all borrowers to be the single most important product attribute), but when you advertising 5.39


Shad of the Day, 5th December 2023

Shad of the Day, 5th December 2023. We’ve featured Compare-1 before, but as other leadgen charlatans have followed our advice and and altered their ads slightly (still all non-compliant, but they lie ‘less’), Compare haven’t changed a bit. Coming from a group called ‘BizLeadz’, the same fake advertising, baiting, and deceptive practices apply as always. This is the non-compliant and


Shad of the Day, 4th December 2023

Shad of the Day, 4th December 2023. We’ve shared the fake ‘Aus Mortgages’ brand in the past, but since it’s still running ads with ‘data’ from May with the same deceptive MO, it deserves to be shared again. This is what you’re buying into when you buy leads. SMS verification is often used as a tool to elevate the value


Shad of the Day, 26th November 2023

Shad of the Day, 26th November 2023. This ad comes to us from a guy called ‘Henry Price’, and it’s an excellent example of how deliberate non-compliance can be weaponised (or used as a tool) to intentionally deceive borrowers. If a broker published this ad directly they’d be expelled from the industry in a second… so why and how a


Peter Hill Leadgen Shonkyness Continues

How’s this for shoddy? The dodgy ‘Peter Hill’ leadgen mob are illegally using a video from a local broker in their own ads. I didn’t believe it until I reviewew their archive. Just crazy. The problem is that it’s the least significant illegal attribute of what they’re doing. Don’t buy leads. Stop the finspam.