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Example Interest Rates: Home Loan Variable: 5.69% (5.89%*) • Home Loan Fixed: 5.48% (6.24%*) • Fixed: 5.48% (6.24%*) • Variable: 5.69% (5.89%*) • Investment IO: 5.74% (6.40%*) • Investment PI: 5.49% (6.27%*)
BeliefMedia WordPress Plugin Archive [ Installation Instructions | Plugins ]

BeliefMedia Elementor

BeliefMedia Elementor is a plugin provided to clients that are subscribed to a website or Yabber product. Please consult our website for details on the full functionality provided by way of the BeliefMedia Elementor plugin.

Change Log

Version, July 18, 2024
This update is a transient update to support the new Formly forms. Please use location forms and panels until standalone forms are updated.

  • Location Forms and Panels: Location Forms and Panels updated to support the Formly forms and improved functionality.

Version, June 23, 2024
This update includes new widgets, new search facilities, and a few minor updates.

  • Search Widget: The search widget currently includes three options. A new search tool was created to replace the existing Elementor basic search. Posts relevant to the search are returned in a dropdown to improve the user experience. The form is identical to the Elementor styled search bar. The Address Redirect search will search for a registered Australian address and immediately redirect to a dedicated property page. A new page was added to the framework that would cater for various use cases. It's expected that property reports will be delivered via the destination page. This is an important property module. The emergency search will search all Australian Police, Fire, Ambulance, and SES locations, and return the user to a dedicated page. See our website and FAQ module for more information.

Version, May 4, 2024
The update marries up with V0.8.8.1 of the Yabber plugin. Includes minor updates only.
Version 0.9.5, April 30, 2024
General update. The update includes a number of minor updates and bug fixes.

  • Lender Widgets: Minor conditional updates to Lender Widgets.
  • LoanOptions Integration Removed: Authors wish to manage the installation themselves. Block removed. We do not recommend any broker use this product.
  • Titles Block: New 'Titles Block' Elementor Block. Details on the BM website (released in the last quarter of 2023).
  • Featured Rate Block: New 'Featured Rate Block' Elementor Block. Details on the BM website (released in the last quarter of 2023).

Version 0.9.4, August 23, 2023
BM Box and Link Block updates. Numerous bug fixes and improvements.

  • Link Blocks and Lists: Link profiles created in Yabber (groups of ordered links) may be returned in a block as a list or styled menu block. Updated in Yabber with global changes. May also be used with shortcode.
  • BM Box: The BM Boxes may be created in Elementor as always, with the exception that you may now select a profile and style directly when dragging a widget into a page. Additional changes pending in V4 of the updated Yabber website framework (now standard navigation element).

Version 0.9.3, August 12, 2023
Significant updates to all modules - not listed. Available in Yabber version archive.

  • Statements: Statements are blocks of formatted text that are defined in Yabber and shown on your website. The Elementor block is generally used for custom placements.

Version 0.9.2, May 12, 2023
Updated AI modules. Provisionally included for all users. Required for integration with AI-Powered property modules (Beta).
Version 0.9.1, May 12, 2023
Minor update to include modules necessary for Beta users. Includes various AI and Property modules.
Version 0.9, May 12, 2023
New features. Includes various bug fixes and improvements. Large framework introduced to support STT and TTS.

  • STT and TTS: Yabber-integrated Text-to-Speech (TTS) and Speech-to-Text module. Managed from within Yabber, Elementor, or standard WP shortcodes. Includes numerous AI training models for voices. Elementor module includes includes a list of around 300 voices. All speech manufactured is available as transcriptions. See the BM website or BeLearn for details.

Version 0.8.8, April 14, 2023
Mainly small bug fixes, speed improvements, and corrections made to support some BeliefMedia plugin changes.

  • ABS Census Block: New block for Beta testers only. Allows for full and complete access to graphs from all ABS statistical areas. Not necessarily suited for production purposes - use shortcode instead.
  • Multiple Forms: Changes made to support multiple forms on a single page. May have impacted various users based on form combination.

Version 0.8.7, March 27, 2023
Updates, fixes, and new features. Only significant updates are listed.

  • METAR Graphing: Part of the meteorology update, included enhanced features for METAR graphing (JavaScript and Image), and improved rendering of basic METAR results.
  • Meteorology: Significant updates to radar, satellite, weather, Metar, and other data. Includes Elementor widget. Supports creation of satellite, doppler, and radar GIFs and video, Metars, and general forecasts. Resulting media may reference BM server or be imported locally into the Yabber cache.
  • Single Line Form: Single Line Form added to the Location Form. The form ignores all fields except name and email. Presented in a single line with integrated Calendar options. Shown as a toggle switch in the Location Form block.
  • Private Lenders: Facility in Yabber to add Private Lenders to the icon index (not linked to a lender page). Elementor to be updated to reflect the addition.

Version 0.8.6, March 12, 2023
New blocks, and significant updates to existing blocks.

  • LoanQ Forms: Telementor block for SalesTrekker's LoanQ product. Beta only. Supports various home loan products. Shortcode may also be used. Development module only.
  • Property SMS Subscriptions: Updated Property SMS Subscription form. Integrates with Yabber.

Version 0.8.5, February 7, 2023
New features, bug fixes, and updates.

  • Referral Form Widget: Widget renders a referral form. Includes various custom fields and alters all options. See website for details.
  • YouTube Slider: Added a Yabber selection that will show videos from the related/series module. Playlist functionality is forthcoming.
  • Wistia Correction: Correction made to Wistia tools that prevented certain custom player parameters from working correctly. Also corrected issue with the custom thumbnail uploaded via the Elementor widget. Try and use correct image ratio for best results.

Version 0.8.4, January 30, 2023
This version includes a large number of changes, including modifications to existing widgets. Only primary modules are listed.

  • Revised YouTube Elementor Block: The revised YouTube shortcode and Elementor block provides for easy inclusion of single videos, playlists, user uploads, custom lists, and 'related' lists. All data is sourced via the YouTube API, so no copying and pasting is required. Conditional elements apply. All YouTube player options are integrated.
  • Video Slider: The video slider shows your latest videos from YouTube or Wistia in a slider format. Fully customisable. Videos will launch in modal with an optional link to the hosted video.
  • Social Media and Video Archive Slider: The Social Media and Video Archive Slider makes use of the video and social archives, and it returns most recent media submitted via Yabber or social media in a slider format. The inclusion of this module meant a complete update of the 'hashtag' features in the social module. The slider is fully customisable.
  • Instagram Post Slider: The Instagram post slider shows your most recent media from Instagram in a slider format. All elements are customisable. Fully scalable and Yabber-integrated module.
  • DTI and LVR Calcuator: The DTI (debt-to-income) and basic LVR calculators are JavaScript slider features that return basic results. All elements are customisable.

Version 0.8.3, January 10, 2023
General updates and fixes. Includes the Stepped Fact Find report.

  • Stepped Fact Find Report: Stepped Fact Find Report. Virtually identical to the standard linear report with the exception that values are returned as sliders and the report is stepped in nature. Requires a small update once Yabber modules are fully integrated.

Version 0.8.2, December 27, 2022
Large number of additions and changes to support former Platinum modules.

  • BM Rate Textbox: General Rate Textbox. Will replace placeholders with any lowest rate product. Shortcode may also be used.
  • Testimonial Slider: Updated Testimonials module with new shortcode and slider. Also supported with shortcode. Integrates with Yabber.
  • Post Category Accordion: Added Post Category Accordion Shortcode and Widget. Similar to related posts with the exception that it works of primary page categories and posts.
  • BM Box Elementor Widget: Added BM Box Elementor Widget. Updated shortcode to support multiple border styles.

Version 0.8.1, December 8, 2022
This update coincidences with a significant update to the primary website framework. The framework includes additional pages, FAQs, and features. Some lender widgets were renamed, and more were added. Not all changes are listed.

  • Team Member Widget: Added a team member widget. May be used to style an individual team member profile based on Yabber or custom values. Links to a dedicated team member page.
  • Added Transactional Account Widget: Added a transactional account widget. First select 'Transaction and Savings', 'Term Deposits', or 'Credit Cards'. Returned data is based on various rates, overdraft rates, and interest applied. Results may be further filtered on dedicated SMSF transaction accounts and Credit Card Introductory Rates (when Credit Cards is selected).
  • Added Margin Loan Widget: Margin loans are generally filtered on the basis of security type. Various other options apply.
  • Added Personal Product Widget: Added personal product widget. Filtering applies (at this stage) on auto/car/boat, green loans, and security type.
  • Added Business Product Widget: Business product widgets include lender business finance. General filtering applies based on SMSF, auto/car, construction, and asset/leases.
  • Updated Lender Widgets: Added various filtering options to standard lender widgets, such as SMSF (usually assigned to business products), Green Loans, and Construction/Bridging finance.

Version 0.8, October 6, 2022
This update makes significant changes to comply with deprecated classes in the Elementor framework. Minor errors are expected so please report any bugs. All Elementor blocks updated. No details listed.
Version 0.7.6, September 14, 2022
New blocks introduced. Fully supported by Yabber.

  • MFAA and FBAA Calculators and Tools: Widgets introduced to support inline MFAA and FBAA calculators (also supported by shortcode). Includes calculator modal options. Expect improvements in next BM Plugin release to provide better support for calculator archives.
  • PDF Widget: Widget to support PDF Embedding. Supports standard embed or Adobe Embed API embed. Preferred usage is via the link shortcode (launches BM PDF Viewer).

Version 0.7.5, August 29, 2022
Minor updates and bug fixes. Added a number of blocks and improved upon a number of features. A number of features will be introduced in subsequent updates.

  • Related Downloads: Renders an accordion-style block of related downloads, or a download series. Managed in Yabber. A number of stylistic options apply. Integrated with conditional and trigger system.
  • Related Video Block: Renders an accordion-style block of related videos, or a video series. Managed in Yabber. A number of stylistic options apply. Launches a trackable modal with custom content. Integrated with the conditional module. More details on the BM website.
  • Related Posts Block: Renders an accordion-style block of related posts, or a post series. Managed in Yabber. A number of stylistic options apply.
  • MyQuotes: Added a 'My Quotes' block to render finance quotes, and custom user created quotes. Linked to 'Image Factory' in Yabber.
  • Navigation Changes: Split Elementor menu categories into four new categories to help with the widget volume, and to support planned blocks, particularly the Real-Estate content.
  • Scrollable: Scrollable includes a facility to render a Content Block in a scrollable window. An option to provide a checkbox-based redirect (similar to accepting terms and conditions).
  • Content Block Blind: New block to render Yabber up-to-date content behind a link. Returns the block content to a page.
  • New Blocks Module: Updated Conditional Content panel to support page blocks. Removed the forced interest type option. Blocks are created in Yabber and applied anywhere on your website. Primary blocks include a Single Block, Random Category Block, Content Block Group, Content Interest Block, Content Interest Block Resolved (user-specific, and based on browsing). Support the array of existing conditional content blocks (conditional geographic, resolved etc.).
  • Bank Widgets Updated: Updated Bank Widgets to make applying custom styles an easier process. Applying a Yabber profile is now the default means of applying a profile. Create a 'default' style to alter those existing widgets on your website that do not have a style applied.

Version 0.7.4, July 15, 2022
Large number of changes to support Yabber's revised conditional content module. Other minor bug fixes were applied.

  • Conditional Panel: Migrated and updated Conditional Content Panel.
  • Geographic Panel: Migrated and updated Conditional Geographic Panel.

Version 0.7.3, March 22, 2022
Minor bug fixes and improvements. Mainly relating to interest rate rendering and FAQ data.
Version 0.7.2, January 17, 2022
Minor bug fix for websites hosted behind Cloud Flare services.
Version 0.7, December 8, 2021
Updated fact find block. More features and integration build into Yabber. The former FF will continue to work but is soon to be deprecated.
Version 0.6, November 17, 2021
Updated Venus to Version 3.0. Styles and profiles created on Yabber.
Version 0.5, October 23, 2021
Major modifications to blocks and features. Large number of bug fixes. A more comprehensive record will be maintained in the log moving forward.
Version 0.2, July 17, 2021
Changes primarily made to Bank Live Product Data. Provisions made for the comparison website features (currently in test).

  • Property Data: Added property widget for those that are currently registered in BETA program. Intended to support a property business or property partner.
  • Bank Product Data: Changes made to API call to ensure data was filtered correctly based on accredited banks in Yabber. banks shortcode attribute should now be blank if Yabber accreditations are to be used.

Version 0.1.2, July 1, 2021
First version uploaded to the new BM plugin repository. Some blocks included within this version are not functional (refer documentation).


Title: BeliefMedia Elementor
Description: The Elementor plugin extends the Yabber (BeliefMedia) plugin by providing drag-and-drop financial and other tools into website creation. The creation of Elementor blocks is ongoing.
  Client Only Download • Version, 133.1K, zip, Category: WordPress Plugins (BeliefMedia Client Plugins)

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