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Powerful One-Click Landing Page Creation

Powerful One-Click Landing Page Creation

If you're engaging with paid or organic promotion of any kind it's likely you're familiar with the conversion-based objective of a landing page. For those that aren't familiar with the concept, the landing page is simply a page free from distraction that does little else than focus attention into the top-of-funnel subscription and offer, or lead magnet. The page is usually void of a complex header or footer, and it certainly doesn't include any content that directs attention from our primary conversion asset. While it is occasionally suitable to include text on the periphery that supports our conversion the idea is to avoid anything that isn't absolutely necessary.

Digital Lead Generation is Easy: We've provided an Industry Challenge for well over a year now that challenges any 'lead-generation' company to compete against my 7-year-old daughter for conversions (in a fit of rage we even made the challenge on a couple of their Facebook ads before we were promptly banned). If my daughter didn't covert at least three-times more clients that the competing business we'd donate 10k to charity, and the opposite would apply when they lost (we keep it to 3X the conversions to make it easier for her). Keep in mind that since we took aim at the pretenders most have changed their model into a pay-per-lead or pay-per-profit arrangement to avoid our scrutiny. In this article we're going to show you the point-and-click solution that is more effective and far more cost-effective than the nonsense lead solutions peddled to the market.

The reason we direct promoted traffic to a landing page rather than any other page on your website is simply because we're providing organic continuance of the user journey and responding directly to the advert, promise, or whatever message encouraged a user to visit the page. We avoid introducing any interference that might compromise that initial conversion... and a standard website page rarely provides that conversion-based environment.

Landing pages convert quite high, and far higher than the typical page within your 'general website'. We routinely see landing page conversions over 90%, with almost all conversions above 70%. The reason for this conversion is simple: the traffic we've attracted has expressed early interest; it's the landing page subscription that gets them over the line.

In this article we'll touch on the landing page concept, but the primary purpose is to introduce the methods used to generate high-converting landing pages on your website. Yabber Tag: yabber's powerful landing page experience - and the conditional features available in that top-of-funnel experience - are part of the reason that our marketing programs are far more effective than the general pedestrian solutions floating around the market.

A powerful lead-generation program is extremely powerful and profitable if done right. We're going to show you exactly how we outperform every single alternative made available to the industry.

Every Page is a Landing Page

In the last hundred of so articles we've tried to reinforce a single concept that'll change your approach to digital lead generation: every single page on your website is a type of landing page. Every page on your website is a potential organic entry point, and since virtually all traffic arrives on your website based on a need for your services, we should endeavour to convert that traffic everywhere. To support this mantra we endeavour to include full calendar subscription forms or panels on every single page in your website.

The 'every-page' concept is one of many that returns more website leads to our clients than most businesses will see from paid promotion. Managed correctly, the organic buy-now traffic on your website will represent the single source of most 'qualified' traffic.

While every page on your website is a landing page, you are still required to build dedicated landing pages on your website for those occasions where you're engaged with conversion-based promotion (such as Facebook advertising).

It's important to understand that the 'general' concepts introduced on this page apply to every page of your website - not just dedicated landing pages. The general 'ideology' that underpins our mortgage broker website is introduced in an article titled "Next Generation Marketing with Yabber and an Integrated Website". The article describes how our marketing solutions introduce an enterprise-level experience into your business, and why we're able to consistently return infinitely more digital leads into your operation.

Ignore competing messages in the marketplace suggesting your website is no longer important, and certainly ignore the flawed messaging that suggests don't need a website to engage with Facebook marketing. These self-serving messages and objectively flawed, and they're promulgated by the industry pretenders in order to assign value to the very basic and lower-performing sales funnel experience.

Landing Pages are an Integrated Website Resource

One of the principles we've tried to reinforce over and over is that your landing pages must be integrated directly into your website. We routinely see brokers using High Level, Click Funnels, Lead Pages, and other third-party services when they have the capacity to host important landing pages directly in their own website. Using off-site resources completely negates the ability to build or include high-performing features that'll literally explode your conversions and fundamentally change the digital face of your operation. The notion that you'll send paid traffic to a third-party website is patently absurd.

Dodgy Pay Per Lead and Pay Per Profit Services: A business shouldn't ever engage with pay-per-lead services or, even worse, pay-per-profit services, because they're introducing a technical debt into your operation at a premium. The services rely on your business not having the capacity to generate its own business... and these charlatans grossly overcharge for leads that you can obtain yourself at a fraction of the cost.

We believe that any paid representation that introduces platforms such as High Level and others into your operation are professionally negligent. They're introducing a low-performing sales funnel experience - not a feature-rich a marketing funnel - and completely negating your ability to provide a true customer journey. All the integrated and conditional features we introduce into your digital operation are done so for one reason: it converts more clients... so it's a little frustrating that the industry has learned to accept utter mediocrity as a standard.

The Landing Page Flow


To begin, we'll have a look at what the industry typically provides potential leads in their early lead-capture experience, and we'll address why it's a lower-performing experience. The concept is nothing new; in fact, we were formative of its introduction to digital marketing in Australia back in 1997. Not only has the experience not changed since we were using it over 20-years ago... it's actually gotten worse.

Worst Practice

The typical pedestrian approach to a landing page is as follows (note that it represents worst practice, or at best, antiquated practice):

Typical Bad Sales Funnel

  Pictured: Industry Worst (but Common) Practice. A sales funnel is a linear transactional approach to a purchase (as opposed to a marketing funnel which is multi-dimensional and dynamic). The objective is often a download, booking, or engagement with another page asset. The linear approach is one that is stuck in a 1990s time-warp. In the pictured example we're showing a video but this is often a PDF download of some kind. We were reluctant to even include this image since it's such a poor solution (we didn't want anybody to confuse it with what we provided), but it's required for context.

In the pictured example we're using a video although it's common to include another lead magnet such as a PDF download. The 'problem' with most downloadable lead magnets is that the proliferation of nonsense low-value lead products has introduced a blindness to them the same way we now ignore banner advertising. Given that the quality of the typical lead magnet is of poor quality, consumer trust has slowly eroded. If you're going to include a lead magnet it must be high value and it absolutely must set you apart from your competition.

In an effort to 'qualify' leads, many brokers are introducing worst-practice funnel-blocking quiz-style questions into their funnel flow. This has the effect of disqualifying more clients than it attracts simply because most consumers are reluctant to provide the intrusive information that most forms require. Most of the quizzes purport to provide results ("Find Out if Your Qualify") when no such data is returned, and the form is used as a filter to minimise what is recklessly evaluated as poor candidates. The experience is fundamentally flawed in every respect.

The Top of Funnel is used to Convert a Client - not Qualify

Remember: the purpose of a funnel is to ingest as many into the experience as possible without any form of qualification-based discrimination. You want to discriminate? Do it on another page or within the latter stages of the funnel excursion.

Before we introduce our solution, consider the following:

  • Not all leads want your lead magnets. Many simply want your time by way of a phone number (or booking).
  • Different strokes for different folks. Some buyers are active and some are passive. Not all are ready to talk now.
  • You are competing with other brokers (almost every lead will subscribe to another broker experience).

You may read an article where we address the major business-debilitating issues associated with ridiculous quizzes at the top of funnel. We'll introduce an alternative to this bizarre concept in a moment.

High Converting Best Practice

We've introduced our landing solution numerous times in the past, and it's one that outperforms others by hundreds of percent (we shouldn't be able to double the effectiveness of a funnel without effort, yet we've returned up to 37-times more leads with an optimised funnel, and you can do the same yourself in minutes). We have an article that introduces our conditional ideology in brief, and how the conditional funnel is designed around an interest-based escalation of commitment strategy which amplifies the effect of your marketing funnel journey. Because our true marketing funnel is an integrated experience, your website forms part of the broader funnel journey. As a user navigates your experience we learn more about them and we're able to course-correct their journey to maximise upon conversions (we will never ever use a third-party service that diminishes the value of your funnel optimisation - all our technology is built in-house specifically for the businesses that use our services).

Landing Page and Redirects

  Pictured: The conditional redirect. The first page of our top-of-funnel subscription is used to establish the user objective (download a lead magnet, make a booking, or receive a phone call), and the subsequent pages are part of our escalation strategy. We deliver information and pages most relevant to their journey... since the funnel journey starts immediately. Contrary to flawed messaging, an email program is not a funnel (it's just one part of the funnel excursion).

Belief's top-of-funnel experience is optimised by way of a Conditional Redirect, and the feature is introduced in more details via an article titled "Landing Page, Panel, and Form Conditional Redirections Explained – Improve Your Conversions". The method is made available via the industry's only fully-integrated Outlook calendar option that is usually hidden behind a checkbox on your landing entry page (and often open on subsequent pages). Unless your advert is designed specifically for bookings, and it's clear that a booking is the expected page purpose, you shouldn't open your calendar on entry landing pages, and an article titled "Why You Should *Never* Have a Calendar On an Entry Landing Page (But Why You Must Include It)" explains why this is the case.

Integrated Outlook Calendar

  Pictured: The integrated Microsoft Outlook calendar. Selecting a date automatically populates the available times. This calendar option is hidden behind a checkbox (text is customisable), and the feature is made available on every page of your website, including each landing page, so each form may inherit a conditional redirection. Calendar availability is populated via Outlook and bookings are sent directly to your calendar. It is the only integrated solution made available to the finance industry. We also integrate Microsoft tasks, Microsoft Planner, OneDrive, and other MS applications.

The second page of a landing transactional experience is a gift to any business - don't waste it. The second page is more than a 'thank you', or fluffy message asking if you'd like to make a booking, or anything else for that matter. Every page-view objectively decreases conversions, so the second page should do what it is supposed to do - convert. It's on the second page where we respond to the first page interaction, and this is where you might consider a Venus Report (our form of broker-qualification).

Note that we called our Venus 'questions' a broker qualification tool. We're introducing a funnel asset that qualifies you by way or providing a method for a client to 'self-qualify' themselves. In fact, it's not true 'self-qualification', but rather a form that simply addresses their financial position based on their answers to your questions. unlike the other nonsense solutions brokers are using, Venus will send the user a customised PDF report immediately.

There's more to our funnels than we can possibly article in a single article, so other articles on our website detailing how you can make your website come alive should be referenced for a better understanding.

Creating Landing Pages in Yabber


General speaking, landing pages may be created in Yabber in the following ways:

  • One-Click Submission from Yabber
  • Building the page manually with drag-and-drop functionality (a one-minute process)
  • We submit landing pages to your website automatically based on a determined need

All landing pages are sent to a dedicated Landing Page archive on your website. Landing pages are managed a little differently to other pages on your website, and the statistics in Yabber are returned with a clear focus on conversion data.

Please understand that complete integration of your landing pages are an absolutely essential feature of a true marketing funnel that is guaranteed to return more business.

One Click Landing Page Creation

Creating landing pages via a single click is the easiest option of generating a page, and it's the method used when we automate the submission of various campaign to your website. At a minimum you simply select the required subscription form and lead magnet, and then submit to your website. The pages is immediately created and all the automation associated with a form is immediately applies (calendar subscriptions, SMS text message notifications, conditional redirections, CRM integration, and so on). It's likely you'll want to include a title message, other internal text, and a disclaimer, and all those options can be applied via the Landing module.

What Happens When I No Longer Use Yabber?: We believe that continued functionality of your website shouldn't be predicated on a continued subscription to our digital marketing platform. Almost all the features created within Yabber are sent to your website and are available forever - your marketing assets belong to you (another reason third-party platform suck). If you choose to vacate the Yabber experience we provide a plugin after 12-months that ensures continues functionality of virtually all the features we introduce to your website.

Forms are essentially the center of your subscription experience, and the landing page is essentially built around the functionality provided by way of the form. The lead magnet is inherited from video library or document management system (the integrated nature of our system means that YouTube, Wistia, and Instagram video assets are available via a select menu. The lead magnet requires a 'display image' for PDF documents - applied by default for system-included white-label documents).

Landing Page Creation

  Pictured: The landing page creation panel. For the most basic of subscriptions you simply select the form (the centre of your experience, and the asset that defines landing page automation, and a lead magnet. To create the most basic of pages takes just a few seconds. Once created your page may be submitted to the applicable website. The creation panel includes options for text in various locations, such as above the landing panel (the side-by-side subscription form and lead magnet), below the panel, and in other locations. A disclaimer panel assigns a specific disclaimer to your page (required for most paid promotion, with various disclaimers required by law). As with all form features, the details of your disclaimers and landing pages are sent directly to your website so they're yours forever, and work forever; this ownership of your marketing tools is vital to a long-lived marketing program.

Posting LP to Website

  Pictured: Sending a landing page you've created to Yabber to your website is actioned by selecting the landing page and website, assigning a category, and sending. A page is immediately created on your website with the form inheriting all the appropriate automation (including conditional redirects).

Building a Custom Landing Page

Creating a landing page on your website directly is easier than you think. In fact, the process takes less than a minute. The website we provide clients uses a site builder plugin called Elementor that makes the building process a drag-and-drop experience, and our own custom blocks are designed specifically for the mortgage industry making all the necessary page features available to you via a menu. Other page features, such as text or video, can easily be dropped into place (video on your website doesn't require embed code; all videos and other assets are made available via select menus - we want the process to be an easy one).

Landing Panel

  Pictured: The landing page made available on your supplied broker website includes a very naked canvas ready for the elements you decide to use with your experience. When using Elementor to create a page you simply drag the necessary features onto your page that are rendered immediately.

Yabber Created Landing Pages

Previously a feature only applied with Platinum clients, the Solis module will create landing pages on your behalf, apply appropriate forms and lead magnets, create the appropriate conditional redirect, define the applicable form automation, and create intermediate funnel pages. The process will also create email autoresponder campaigns (fully integrated with your MS365 email, or course). It is the only one-click and true marketing funnel experience in the market... and inclusion within Yabber is imminent.

What we've describe is the most powerful marketing system in the finance industry... and it's fully integrated with your funnel-centric broker website.

Statistics and Advanced Features

As with our general website statistics, landing page statistics are returned independently so each conversion may be assessed and understood. We know what form performs better than any other, what page outperforms others, and what conditional features returns better results (read: "Data-Driven Behavioural Insights"). In addition, we can split-test any number of pages against each other to optimise results (we don't call split-testing A/B testing because the A/B name implies that your split is limited to just two pages).

Every Page is a Landing Page: Every page on your website is a type of landing page. It's the fully integrated calendar on virtually every form that enables the high-powered redirects (as introduced early) to take place (we will never use third-party calendar tools). In fact, since every page is a type of landing page, we assign a conditional (and escalating) Simple Panel or basic subscription form on every page of your website - all easily defined in Yabber.

All your general website conversions are measured by way of a PSR (or Page Subscription Ration, which is the ration of distinct visitors versus on-page subscriptions) so you're able to assign more attention to that part of your content strategy that identifies itself as trending or high-value.

Other features are made available in the landing-page flow, such as name and booking placeholders on subsequent pages (these details are extremely important to your later funnel excursions and provide conditional content on your website based on previous interactions).

Follow-Up, Digital Outreach, and the Funnel

Following on from a landing page subscription you'll subscribe the user to an autoresponder campaign. We provide a large number of point-and-click templates so you're able to create campaigns in minutes... although we'd prefer you tailored your experience and took a little longer.

For those that don't immediately engage with you, your follow-up and digital outreach funnel is designed to educate, information, qualify your services, and escalate the commitment of a user into your pipeline. Your digital experience must outperform that of your competition.

The post-subscription experience is where your website plays its part, and this customer journey is introduced by way of an article that details the basics of a conditional funnel. The power of your funnel, or the continued customer journey, is outside the scope of this article.


The landing page is a conduit between your promoted campaigns and your marketing funnel, with the form and automation applying the appropriate pressure by way launching of an immersive and education-based journey. The page, as the top-of-funnel 'invitation asset', we're compelled to provide a page free from distraction that has a single purpose: a conversion. Anything that detracts from our primary objective should be removed.

It's worth noting once again that landing pages submitted to your website are yours forever, and they'll continue to function forever. Any service that requires a subscription to serve a simple landing page is fundamentally flawed.

Your landing pages, website funnels, marketing funnels, outreach, and content programs, can all be as advanced as you want them to be. Yabber was build to provide holistic and best-practice digital support, and it was designed to outperform any other solution made available to the industry. Contact us for more information.

  Featured Image: Commonwealth Bank branch, Corner of Harrow Road and Forest Road, Bexley, NSW, 1937 (taken 11/9/1937). The building was painted in a baby-blue and housed a Strata Management Company until around 2015. At the time of writing the building is the home of a solicitor office (painted in two-tone gun-metal blue). [ View Image ]

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