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How to Create a Related Download List

The 'Related Downloads' panel will return a an accordion populated with related downloads. The Relates Downloads are managed in Yabber, so changes to the panel will be made on your website wherever the related series is shown. In order to use this tool, you must first upload content to Yabber's Download Manager.

You will find the 'Related' panels within the 'Website' module.

Related Download Navigation

  Pictured: You will find the 'Related' panels within the 'Website' module. The returned module shows a number of related blocks.

There are a number of ways in which to return related information in an accordion style, and these methods are linked to at the bottom of this FAQ.

  The Result

An example of a collection of Related Downloads is shown below.

The custom functions file gives you control over shortcodes, hooks, filters, actions, and other WordPress code. [ DOWNLOAD ]

Simple PHP cache. Emulates WP's get_transient and set_transient functions. [ DOWNLOAD ]

Add a highlighter text effect in WordPress with shortcode. Various attributes may be altered. WordPress Plugin version. [ DOWNLOAD ]

All downloads are fully tracked, so marketing triggers may be applied.

  Creating a Related Download List

To create a related reading download accordion group, navigate to the Download 'Create' panel, select your website, and then select all those downloads that should be returned in the series. Turn each 'active' download on via the On/Off toggle switch, and drag each download into the order in which they should be render on your website.

Related Downloads

  Pictured: Select your website, and then select all those downloads that should be returned in the series. Turn each 'active' download on via the On/Off toggle switch, and drag each download into the order in which they should be render on your website.

Click 'Save'.

Once saved, you should send the Series to your website in order to become active. Saving will also clear the default cache (each series block is cached for fast retrieval and rendering). When sending via the 'Send' panel you will also be asked to select the default style applied to accordion blocks when a style isn't specifically defined.

Send Related Lists

  Pictured: When sending via the 'Send' panel you will also be asked to select the default style applied to accordion blocks when a style isn't specifically defined. Sending will also update any video and download series.

  Creating the Accordion Style

The Related styles are applied in a standalone style module that eventually evolve into the single location to update any global styles. Navigate your way to the 'Style' icon in the 'Website' menu, create a style, and Save. This style will now be made available in various modules, including the 'Related' module.

Related Series Style

  Pictured: Navigate your way to the 'Style' icon in the 'Website' menu, create a style, and Save. This style will now be made available in various modules, including the 'Related' module.

  Using Shortcode on Your Website

There are two methods of rendering the related downloads: shortcode and with Elementor. Shortcode is typically used in your standard blog posts and pages. Simply copy the shortcode from the 'Review' panel and paste where necessary.

Related Downloads Shortcode

  Pictured: copy the shortcode from the 'Review' panel and paste where necessary. The result will immediately return and will always reflect the global changes made in Yabber.

The shortcode to render the Related Download list earlier in this FAQ was [bm_download_series series="6c739ee81f53b035ac9e8e6defd826cf"].

  Elementor Reading Download Block

Search for 'Related Posts' in Elementor. Drag-and-drop into your post or page, select the applicable 'Related' list, select a style (usually 'Default'), and the related block will be returned. Note that there's an option to selectively enable and disable the description text (in the accordion when opened).

Elementor Related Downloads

  Pictured: Search for 'Related Posts' in Elementor. Drag-and-drop into your post or page, select the applicable 'Related' list, select a style (usually 'Default'), and the related block will be returned.

There's a toggle switch that'll swap out the accordion icon with numbering - usually suitable for a series of very closely connected downloads.

  Download Marketing Triggers

The downloads reference the standard File Management System, so each download is recorded (as you would expect), statistics are maintained, and triggers will optionally apply. The triggers are defined in the standard Trigger module.

  Review and Edit Related Downloads

You may review and edit Related Downloads from the 'Review' panel.

Related Downloads Review

  Pictured: You may review and edit Related posts from the 'Review' panel. You may disable downloads from any related list, delete them, or drag and drop each item into another order.

You may disable downloads from any related list, delete them, or drag and drop each item into another order.

■ ■ ■

  Related Series Blocks

Your website includes a large number of ways in which to return post, download, video and other content. Review the related content below.

The category posts accordion will render an accordion with posts from various categories, or with specific tags attached. A combination of tags and/or categories might be used. The feature is similar in nature to the Related Reading List except that the accordion will periodically update based on new articles added to the applicable category… [ Learn More ]

The 'Related Videos' panel will return a an accordion populated with related video modal links. The Relates Videos are managed in Yabber, so changes to the panel will be made on your website wherever the related series is shown. In order to use this tool, you must first connect YouTube and/or Wistia (YouTube is… [ Learn More ]

The 'Related Downloads' panel will return a an accordion populated with related downloads. The Relates Downloads are managed in Yabber, so changes to the panel will be made on your website wherever the related series is shown. In order to use this tool, you must first upload content to Yabber's Download Manager. You will… [ Learn More ]

The 'Related Article' panel will return a an accordion populated with articles in a series, or a group of articles for related reading. The Relates Series is managed in Yabber, so changes to the panel will be made on your website wherever the related series is shown. You will find the 'Related' panels within the… [ Learn More ]

  Related FAQs

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