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The Second Page

This is a great example of what *not* to do with forms, and it serves as an indicator of marketing mediocrity. I normally wouldn’t care what anybody did with forms, but in this case, it comes from an AFG subby that promotes their marketing in a way that suggests its effective. Sadly, their presence is ridiculously bad. I required a

148 Leads for a little over 1k

Every now and again I feel the need to prove a point because there are still brokers and other businesses that are led to believe by the leadgen charlatans that investing in (what is usually non-compliant and/or illegal) pay-per-lead services is a good idea. Paid leadgen services might charge around $18-$20’000 for the pictured 148 leads, while our broker paid

Your YouTube Channel and Your Website

The pictured YouTube channel was empty yesterday. Today, there’s nearly 50 videos with about a dozen more to come. The same videos (and extras) were split into about 200 snippets for social that might be used over 6 months. Time to create the library? One day. Immediate business impact? Zero. As I told James before, during, and after our shoot,

You Don’t Make Friends With Salad

I’ve spent a few days over the last week visiting brokers and property professionals with no real purpose. Today, it was Camden’s turn. There’s a ton of aggregation management in the area so I suspected they had some sort of local presence or visibility, but I was entirely wrong. What started as an unplanned walk around Argyle/High St. turned into

Website Promotion, Limited Spots

Late last year we stopped taking on new website clients because we were committed to an aggregation product. However, that process is far slower than expected, so we’re opening up 5 website spots for delivery within 5 days. The website is designed with an architecture that genuinely supports partners, property, information, and *conversions*. With over 270 pages (about 140 primary),

Approaching 100 Bookings from a Single Day

Last Wednesday I spent most of the day with a relatively new broker that planned her first sessions sourcing and meeting potential referral partners. She found four accountants that she wanted to work with and we staggered the appointments through the day. We ran an internal program called ‘Saturn’ with results that exceeded any other single partner day I’ve had

Farewell, ICQ

Farewell, 716385. Would you believe Trillian is also still working? ICQ would still be perfect if anybody actually used it.

Address Suggestions in Forms

A note for clients. This is a minor feature, and is one that has existed in our website framework for a long time, but it’s more relevant now as we start to expose additional partner and property features. Our address ‘suggestion’ autocomplete form is a plug-and-play feature. You simply assign an ID to a standard form text field and the

Website Updated with Australian Property Data

There’s a property module integrated with Yabber that we’ve used ourselves for some time, and the features will be enabled in a plugin update we’ll be pushing this month. First, why did we build a property module into a broker website? Apart from the obvious overlap with many brokers wearing many hats, the module is designed to support your property

Malware Search Engine on Your Broker Website

Why did we add a malware/IP search engine to our mortgage broker website? It might seem out of place, but the focus of many of our articles sent to broker websites is orientated around identity protection, online scams, and digital safety, so the page is one that is (or will be) linked from these articles to further reinforce your expertise.

The Emergence of Interactive AI

A couple of years ago we ran an experiment where we replaced a broker with an AI. Using all our own tech, the broker had direct oversight before recommendations were made, or before communication of any type. The net result was better customer satisfaction, and better product/processing outcomes (borrowers were briefed on the AI experiment so there was an inherent

Broker James Visits Sydney

We had a brilliant broker come up from Melbourne today. Had a great day, and it didn’t hurt that he kept us laughing all day.