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How to Send a Single Text Message in Yabber

This FAQ will show you how to send a single SMS text message in Yabber. Note that there are more effective ways of sending a single real-time message, such as connecting your mobile phone to your PC. Each text message incurs a cost, so outside of targeted group text campaigns, sending single messages should be avoided unless compliance obligations requires it.

Single text message are obviously automatically managed as part of your lead nurturing program.

Telstra Application: Usage of Yabber's SMS and MMS Campaign modules requires that we set up a Telstra SMS Application in your company name. Texts are charged to you directly from Telstra - Yabber simply provides the automation and interface for the messaging. Telstra was chosen for Yabber because it provides local oversight and a high degree of security.

  Locating the SMS/MMS Module

The text messaging module is found by first Selecting the 'Marketing' module. Select 'SMS", and then select 'Send'. Other text messaging options are shown in the Settings menu (such as your Telstra application Keys, messaging reply email, notification email, and number registration etc.).

SMS and MMS Module Navigation

  Pictured: The text messaging module is found by first Selecting the 'Marketing' module. Select 'SMS", and then select 'Send'. Other text messaging options are shown in the Settings menu (such as your Telstra application Keys, messaging reply email, notification email, and number registration etc.).

The 'Send' panel returns a single panel for sending a single message. You won't use it very often... but it's there if you need it.

Send Single SMS

  Pictured: The 'Send' panel returns a single panel for sending a single message. You won't use it very often... but it's there if you need it. Select the 'From' number, enter your recipient's phone number and message, and optionally schedule.

Each 160 characters is equivalent to a single text, and charge is applied by Telstra for any single text message sent. Once sent and received, an email will be returned to you as a 'Delivery Notification'.

  Logs and Statistics

Full logs and statistics are maintained for all messages sent and/or received.

TIP: A useful feature might be to provision a phone number that only ever accepts incoming texts. This could be attached to a real phone (so the message is delivered to an actual handset), or it might be a virtual phone number that sends an email notification to a number of recipients or logs into a CRM system. There's no limit to the features you might introduce with the SMS system... although very few of them are very useful when sending a single text.

Statistics and logs are returned via the 'Statistics' panel.

  SMS Quick Send

Whoever you see a small 'speech bubble' icon in a submenu, selecting it will return a modal to quickly send a text message.

SMS Quick Send

  Pictured: Whoever you see a small 'speech bubble' icon in a submenu, selecting it will return a modal to quickly send a text message.

  Text Messaging is a Big Module

The text messaging module is quite large, and it's tightly integrated with about a dozen other systems. Text replies are also part of the webhook system, and they're all tracked for compliance. If you're part of our 'Experimental AI' program, texts will be manufactured on your behalf (although compliance obligations obviously won't allow us to send an unvetted message... yet).

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  SMS Marketing FAQs

The SMS Marketing module is quite large and includes dozens of features. Review additional functionality below.

SMS Subscription forms may be used in any number of ways, but the primary purpose is to support text message alerts for various types of property opportunities. When the form was first introduced, the form was part of our supporting partner modules, but more and more brokers are becoming affiliate directly with property groups, and… [ Learn More ]

This FAQ will show you how to send a single SMS text message in Yabber. Note that there are more effective ways of sending a single real-time message, such as connecting your mobile phone to your PC. Each text message incurs a cost, so outside of targeted group text campaigns, sending single messages should… [ Learn More ]

An SMS Template will permit you to create an SMS message that is referenced within other areas of Yabber, such as EDGE, Fact Find Reports, Referral Forms, and Triggers. Instead of creating a single SMS, we create the text message as a template that we may use from multiple locations, meaning that if an update… [ Learn More ]

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