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How to Create and Manage Website Simple Panels in Yabber

A simple panel is simply a two-column form. On the left side we have a form, and on the right side we have an image or video. As you're aware, we espouse the every-page conversion methodology, and this requires a high-value and relevant lead magnet (or 'offer') on every single page of your website. Every page of your website is a 'type' of landing page, so every page should include a download asset. We make this easy via a large number of tools, including a Yabber facility that'll assign (or remove) any Simple Panel from any page via point-and-click 'Location Panels'. This FAQ looks at how to create Simple Panels in Yabber, and we'll introduce some of the shortcodes and Elementor blocks that allow you to place the asset on your website.

Important: In a previous FAQ we looked at form creation - this FAQ should be reviewed before creating a simple panel since a form is one part of the panel. Similarly, we should have uploaded at least one download and assigned an image to that download.

Microsoft Integration: All forms on your website are fully integrated with Microsoft 365. This enables a large number of features, including an integrated Outlook calendar. The form dates and times are populated from Outlook availability, and all appointments are sent to your Calendar. This level of integration also enables our high-performing Conditional Redirects.

Simple Panels on Your Website: Consult the FAQ titled "How to Show Simple Panels on Your Website with Elementor or Shortcode" for details on how the Simple Panel is used on your website (it's extremely easy).

  The Result

We'll look at the Simple Panel on the front page of our website. Unlike other Simple Panels on your website, this form was assigned via the Front Page module, but the result is exactly the same.

Simple Panel with Calendar Inset

  Pictured: The Simple Panel is a simple side-by-side form. In this case we have a form to the left (as defined in the Subscription Form panel), and an image to the right. The area to the right may optionally be occupied by a video. The inset shows how the Integrated calendar provides an easy 'in-your-face' means to provide an on-page booking. We shouldn't ever send a client to an off-site resource for anything conversion related.

The subscription form itself (on the left) is a standalone asset, so submitting the form will cause all form automation to apply. A message or redirection is applied based on how the form action was defined.

  Creating a Simple Panel

Creating a Simple Panel should take no more than a couple of minutes - this ability to respond immediately to 'anything' is the cornerstone of your agile marketing efforts, and you shouldn't ever have to log into your website and bounce around trying to manufacture something so simple and important.

Simple Panels are located in the Forms module, which itself is in the Website module. From the Forms module, select 'Simple Panels'.

Locating Simple Panels

  Pictured: Simple Panels are located in the Forms module, which itself is in the Website module. From the Forms module, select 'Simple Panels'.

The panel returned provides an option for a title (for your reference in Yabber and Elementor menus), and a small panel for your Lead Magnet and Download assets. The process is very easy - simply populate the required fields and 'Save'.

Simple Panel Create

  Pictured: The panel returned provides an option for a title (for your reference in Yabber and Elementor menus), and a small panel for your Lead Magnet and Download assets. The process is very easy - simply populate the required fields and 'Save'.

If selecting a video rather than an image, select the 'Video' option and a menu with all your registered YouTube and Wistia videos is returned.

Simple Panel Create Video

  Pictured: If selecting a video rather than an image, select the 'Video' option and a menu with all your registered YouTube and Wistia videos is returned.

If a video is selected the right panel is occupied by the video container.

Simple Panel Create

  Pictured: If a video is selected the right panel is occupied by the video container. Using an engaging video is almost always more effective than a static image, and it negates the need to create the image that represents your download (you can use a custom YouTube thumbnail to give showcase the image or any other incentive).

When you create or edit a Simple Panel, the changes are made on all your website immediately.

  Reviewing and Editing Simple Panels

You may review and edit any Simple Panel via the 'Review' panel. The panel provides a review of a number of form types so you'll have to scroll down to find Simple Panels table. Select the 'Edit' icon to edit the form, and select the green icon to return form data.

Simple Panel Review

  Pictured: You may review and edit any Simple Panel via the 'Review' panel. The panel provides a review of a number of form types so you'll have to scroll down to find Simple Panels table. Select the 'Edit' icon to edit the form, and select the green icon to return form data.

  Showing Simple Panels on Your Website

Consult the FAQ titled "How to Show Simple Panels on Your Website with Elementor or Shortcode" for details on how the Simple Panel is used on your website (it's extremely easy).

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A simple panel is simply a two-column form. On the left side we have a form, and on the right side we have an image or video. As you're aware, we espouse the every-page conversion methodology, and this requires a high-value and relevant lead magnet (or 'offer') on every single page of your website. Every… [ Learn More ]

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A Simple Panel is a form and 'something' alongside it, such as an image or video. In this FAQ we will look at how to change the Simple Panel as shown on the front page of your website.

Front Page Simple Panel
Navigate your way to Yabber's 'Front Page' module… [ Learn More ]

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