RBA Cash Rate: 4.35% · 1AUD = 0.67 USD · Inflation: 4.1%  
Leading Digital Marketing Experts | 1300 235 433 | Aggregation Enquires Welcome | Book Appointment
Example Interest Rates: Home Loan Variable: 5.69% (5.89%*) • Home Loan Fixed: 5.48% (6.24%*) • Fixed: 5.48% (6.24%*) • Variable: 5.69% (5.89%*) • Investment IO: 5.74% (6.40%*) • Investment PI: 5.49% (6.27%*)

How to Create a Website Form and Assign Automation

Your website forms made available in Yabber and on your website are one of the most important marketing assets in your toolkit. They're the conduit that connects your website to Yabber and triggers the applicable automation schedules, logs the lead or prospect, and provides you with relevant notifications. Integration is made with various CRM systems, SMS messaging, email autoresponders, and so on.

Related Reading: See also the FAQ on the The Leads and Prospects Table.

The Subscription Forms in Yabber are considered a primary funnel entry point. Each form will triggers its own automation schedule, and each will have various other automation defined based on the way or location the form is used. The applicable (and probably hidden) campaign-related funnel FAQs should be referenced for a big-picture understanding of the funnels that might be used; this FAQ deals simply with how to create the form and define the automation associated with a specific form.

Form Updates: The Subscription Form module has a significant update planned that'll segregate styles, automation schedules into standalone resources. You should keep an eye out on this FAQ or subscribe to updates to ensure you're appraised of changes. At this stage we're unsure if we'll maintain the 'Legacy' (current) forms active side-by-side the newer forms or whether we'll simply create a backwards compatible system that'll migrate all existing data into the new system. Stay tuned.

Subscription forms are integral to landing pages, the two-panel Simple Panels, and other form marketing assets. Various conditional features apply, such as form escalation, and the entire module is heavily integrated with Elementor and the broader broker website framework. Placing and/or assigning forms on your website are discussed in other FAQs.

We're worked very hard to ensure that the form modules in Yabber are the most powerful of their types in the industry.


Certain assumptions are made when you create a form, such as Microsoft 365 and Facebook Connectivity, the creation of a company SMS application, and the creation of various mailing lists. For most users, these actions are completed for you.

  Creating a Form is Easy

While we've created this FAQ, the creation process is intuitive, and you can generally skip the details below and go straight to creating a form. Each panel provides enough context in order to apply the specific automation or feature.

  The Solis Module

If the Solis module is assigned to your account, everything below is largely redundant since all campaigns are created in a single click (as are the associated landing pages, email sequences, and other campaign assets). The Solis module is the heart of Yabber, although custom campaigns will almost always deliver better results.

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  Subscription Form General Appearance

Shown is the general appearance of the Simple Panel (top left) and the single-column form with an image (top right). The form itself is just a form - it includes an upper and lower panel, with the lower panel hidden behind a checkbox option.

Subscription Form General Appearance

  Pictured: Shown is the general appearance of the Simple Panel (top left) and the single-column form with an image (top right). The form itself is just a form - it includes an upper and lower panel, with the lower panel hidden behind a checkbox option.

Related Reading: See the FAQ on How to Create a Simple Panel.

Calendar options are either hidden behind the checkbox or shown in the primary field panel . Available calendar dates and times are sourced from your Microsoft 365 Calendar, so the calendar requires that you correctly define your timezone and work hours.

  Locating the Forms Module

The Subscription Forms will be found by following the 'FORMS' link in the Website module. From the Forms module, select 'Lead Forms'. The subscription form creation panel is returned.

Subscription Forms in Yabber

  Pictured: The Subscription Forms will be found by following the 'FORMS' link in the Website module. From the Forms module, select 'Lead Forms'. The subscription form creation panel is returned.

When the full page is initially presented  it will look a little daunting. However, only a few values will need to be populated - it's a simple process.

  Creating a Subscription Form

When you're presented with the Subscription Form creation panel, the fields are populated with your 'Default' values (discussed shortly). All applicable values should be defined. Those components of the form that aren't required should be returned off via the associated toggle switch.

  Create a Form Name and Description

The form name is important as it is used in review table, statistical tables, forms, and Elementor. The description field is for your reference - handy if multiple users have access to the same form.

Subscription Form Title and Description

  Pictured: The form name is important as it is used in review table, statistical tables, forms, and Elementor. The description field is for your reference - handy if multiple users have access to the same form.

Ensure you give your form a name that identifies the subscription objective, and it's always worth including shortcode if the form includes an image or text (particularly if it was designed for a Simple Panel or Landing Page).

  Define Your Form Style

All stylistic attributes associated with the form are customised on the form level. Alter the style values as required. Give your submit button a name that reflects the form purpose, such as 'Contact ABC Finance', or 'Send My Book'.

Subscription Form Style

  Pictured: Alter the style values as required. Give your submit button a name that reflects the form purpose, such as 'Contact ABC Finance', or 'Send My Book'.

In the next version of the forms module, the style is globally applied, meaning that you select a preferred style and then give your button the necessary text.

  Primary Form Fields

The Primary Form Fields are those fields that are shown on the form without having to expose other details. We typically include just name and email - anything we ask of a user that isn't absolutely required will simply alienate them, so only ask for information if it's required for the automation or form purpose.

Subscription Form Primary Fields

  Pictured: The Primary Form Fields are those fields that are shown on the form without having to expose other details. We typically include just name and email.

If this were a contact form for the Contact page, or a booking form for any Booking page, we might include the phone, calendar or message fields. The 'message' field is always required for a contact form (on your dedicated Contact page). We will always include the calendar booking fields but they are normally returned in a hidden panel exposed via a checkbox.

  Secondary Form Fields

Secondary Form Fields are those fields shown when selecting the checkbox normally associated with a booking request. While it's quite acceptable to include the calendar booking options in the exposed portion of the form, we don't want to force an action that isn't necessary - we give the user a choice. That said, there are occasions where the calendar and phone fields are shown in the exposed form and there are no secondary form fields defined.

Subscription Form Secondary Form Fields

  Pictured: Secondary Form Fields are those fields shown when selecting the checkbox normally associated with a booking request. While it's quite acceptable to include the calendar booking options in the exposed portion of the form, we don't want to force an action that isn't necessary - we give the user a choice. That said, there are occasions where the calendar and phone fields are shown in the exposed form and there are no secondary form fields defined.

The checkbox text is the text shown alongside the checkbox that exposes the hidden form fields.

  Email Subscription

When a user subscribes to this form, they will be subscribed to the mailing list defined in this field. The user will also be subscribed to the associated autoresponder program.

Subscription Form Email Subscription

  Pictured: When a user subscribes to this form, they will be subscribed to the mailing list defined in this field. The user will also be subscribed to the associated autoresponder program.

Related Reading: See also the FAQ on How to Define Email Subscription Filtering Rules.

The associated email autoresponder program is essential and it is discussed extensively in our campaign strategy FAQs.

  Interest Select Menu

Most forms have a very specific purpose, so the objective of the subscriber is resolved quite easily. If you're giving away a First Home Buyer guide, we assume that they're a First Home Buyer, and the same resolution applies for other subscription types. Most forms assigned to various pages will resolve to the page objective so we don't need to ask what type of borrowing the user is interested in. There are some occasions where we may need to provide a select menu where the user may select from various options. On the basis of this selection, we're able to assign then to a suitable mail list, autoresponder program, and so on.

If using the Interest Select Menu, we should include those Borrowing objectives in the right active panel by selecting them. Remove them by clicking on the item.

Subscription Form Interest Select Menu

  Pictured: If using the Interest Select Menu, we should include those Borrowing objectives in the right active panel by selecting them. Remove them by clicking on the item.

It can get a little complicated from this point. We need to map our 'Interest Types; to mailing lists, and this is accomplished via the Email Filtering panel. Because of the potential complexity associated with this feature, another FAQ details how this is accomplished.

Related Reading: See also the FAQ on How to Define Email Subscription Filtering Rules .

The 'Interest Option Text' is shown above the select menu which directs the user to select their relevant borrowing objective. The 'default form option' is that field that is shown as 'active' in the form on page load.

  Calendar Form Style

The calendar form date and time availability will either show as two stacked select menus, or they'll show side-by-side (with the latter a preferred option). Select your preferred format.

Subscription Form Calendar Style

  Pictured: The calendar form date and time availability will either show as two stacked select menus, or they'll show side-by-side (with the latter a preferred option). Select your preferred format.

There is a calendar-style format that we designed to emulate Calendarly, but it's a rather clumsy appearance so may not be available on your website. When the form fields are shown, as you select the available date the available times sourced from MS365 defined calendar will automatically populate.

  Microsoft Planner

Microsoft Planner provides a full Kanban-style stage and workflow dashboard that isn't unlike the same facility made available in your CRM. You probably don't want to send junk leads into a CRM workflow, so it's not uncommon to use Planner for managing early leads and colder Prospects. Planner includes 'Plans' (as workflows) and 'Buckets' (as stages), and each is integrated with MS365. Buckets includes notes, checklists, and other useful tools for managing tasks and leads (it's included as part of most MS365 subscriptions and is a genuine competitor to costly Kanban marketing dashboards).

Subscription Form Planner

  Pictured: Microsoft Planner provides a full Kanban-style stage and workflow dashboard that isn't unlike the same facility made available in your CRM. You probably don't want to send junk leads into a CRM workflow, so it's not uncommon to use Planner for managing early leads and colder Prospects.

Related Reading: See also the FAQ on How to Use Microsoft Planner in Yabber.

Yabber provides for extensive integration with Planner, such as the creation of tasks, users, checklists etc. Not familiar with Planner? Check out Planner at tasks.office.com .

  Form Width

The form width is a deprecated option that is migrated into the Style panel within the new form panel. If this option is enabled on your account you may select the form width here. Note that most forms are scaled to either 100% on your website automatically, or scaled to a container in Elementor. The option is largely redundant.

Subscription Form Width

  Pictured: Note that most forms are scaled to either 100% on your website automatically, or scaled to a container in Elementor. The option is largely redundant. If enabled and required, please select a width.

Again, keep to 100% unless there's a valid reason to alter.

  SMS Verification

Verified phone number options will likely be removed entirely or hidden in the next form module since the inclusion of this feature has a seriously negative impact on positive conversions. The option shouldn't be used at the general funnel point. Select your 'From' phone number and include the 'Verification URL' placeholder in your message - this message will direct the user to a page on your website that'll automatically verify their supplied details.

Subscription Form SMS Verification

  Pictured: Select your 'From' phone number and include the 'Verification URL' placeholder in your message - this message will direct the user to a page on your website that'll automatically verify their supplied details.

If used, the Verification page itself is part of a funnel excursion that should do more than simply provide a static message - the page is used to escalate the user.

  Client SMS Message - Calendar Bookings

When a user makes a calendar booking, the supplied details will be sent to the user in a text message. Include placeholders as required.

Subscription Form Calendar SMS

  Pictured: When a user makes a calendar booking, the supplied details will be sent to the user in a text message. Include placeholders as required.

The tool is an important part of the Conditional Redirect system.

  Client SMS Message - Phone Supplied

When a user supplies their phone number in a form, the supplied details will be sent to the user in a text message. Include placeholders as required.

Subscription Form SMS Phone

  Pictured: When a user supplies their phone number in a form, the supplied details will be sent to the user in a text message. Include placeholders as required.

The tool is an important part of the Conditional Redirect system.

  Client SMS Message - Phone Supplied

When a user makes a calendar booking, we'll send them a text message at a defined interval before the appointment time. You should generally use your own phone number when sending this message so they have the number, but also so replies are directed to you directly rather than Yabber.

Subscription Form SMS Reminder

  Pictured: When a user makes a calendar booking, we'll send them a text message at a defined interval before the appointment time. You should generally use your own phone number when sending this message so they have the number, but also so replies are directed to you directly rather than Yabber.

The new system includes a link to alter or cancel the appointment.

  Client SMS Message - Phone Supplied

The Business SMS is sent to the assigned broker The option is always recommended for 'immediate' phone contacts, and most calendar bookings.

Subscription Form Business SMS

  Pictured: The Business SMS is sent to the assigned broker The option is always recommended for 'immediate' phone contacts, and most calendar bookings. Select the from number, create your message with appropriate placeholders, and select the condition when the message will send (calendar, phone, calendar and phone, none etc.).

Select the from number, create your message with appropriate placeholders, and select the condition when the message will send (calendar, phone, calendar and phone, none etc.).

  Microsoft Contact Folder

You should generally send all contacts to a defined contact folder. In most cases, you'll send it to a folder that mirrors the email mailing list since groups of Microsoft contacts are also groups of SMS recipients. Microsoft contact folders are created and/or synced in Yabber if required to facility messaging via the SMS List module. As shown, you may define 'Filtering', meaning that subscribers are filtered to an appropriate list based on the mailing list which they're subscribed.

Related Reading: See also the FAQ on How to Create or Update Microsoft Outlook Contact Folders.

Contact Folder Filtering: See also the FAQ on How to Create Form Subscription Contact Folder Filtering. Filtering determines the Microsoft contact folder for your subscribers.

Subscription Form Contact Folder

  Pictured: As shown, you may define 'Filtering', meaning that subscribers are filtered to an appropriate list based on the mailing list which they're subscribed. Select the list (or 'Filtering') option as required.

  Microsoft Calendar Integration

Calendar availability is populated from your Microsoft 365 Calendar account so you should populate the calendar (in 365) with your work schedule, and ensure that your timezone is valid. Calendar form options will reflect the values defined below.

Subscription Form Calendar Options

  Pictured: Calendar options should be used on every form, even if hidden behind a checkbox (the usual practice). Define your calendar options as required.

The lead will be sent to the select calendar account. Forms may be specific to individual brokers, so they may have their own booking page.

  Microsoft Calendar Integration

The task notification will push a notification to Outlook for any subscription interaction. This notification is logged into Microsoft's Task feature made available in Outlook.

Subscription Form Task

  Pictured: The task notification will push a notification to Outlook for any subscription interaction. This notification is logged into Microsoft's Task feature made available in Outlook.

Related Reading: See also the FAQ on How to Create or Update Microsoft Calendars in Yabber.

We recommend the notification be enabled if - for no other reason - it provides an audible notification of a new lead of some type.

  CRM Integration

The CRM Integration is currently limited. Some systems are simply too cost-prohibitive, while other systems (such as SalesTrekker) simply make you jump through too many hoops. We're rebuilding the CRM option to make it more universal. If enabled, simply select the rules that'll apply for lead filtering to your CRM. In most cases, you'll send your lead to your CRM as a contact only and you won't send it through to a workflow (unless the lead has escalated to prospect - usually by way of a Calendar Booking).

Subscription Form CRM

  Pictured: If enabled, simply select the rules that'll apply for lead filtering to your CRM. In most cases, you'll send your lead to your CRM as a contact only and you won't send it through to a workflow (unless the lead has escalated to prospect - usually by way of a Calendar Booking).

The SalesTrekker option is shown. In this case we may send the lead to a workflow and stage based on their contact type.

  Facebook Custom Audiences

If custom audiences are used as part of your campaigning, or even if you're not using the feature, adding the lead to a defined Facebook Custom Audience list may be used for retargeting or lookalike-style campaigns. Remember, a lead that comes through will be used for global lookalike and retargeting campaigns - not just those on Facebook.

Subscription Form CRM

  Pictured: If custom audiences are used as part of your campaigning, or even if you're not using the feature, adding the lead to a defined Facebook Custom Audience list may be used for retargeting or lookalike-style campaigns.

Related Reading: See the FAQ on How to Create a Facebook Audience in Yabber.

Custom Audience lists are created in the Facebook Marketing module.

  Facebook Custom Events

The Facebook custom events module is essentially deprecated but may still be used on most accounts. The feature is now largely automated and applied within any user definitions.

Subscription Form Facebook Events

  Pictured: The Facebook custom events module is essentially deprecated but may still be used on most accounts. The feature is now largely automated and applied within any user definitions.

Related Reading: See also the FAQ on How to Create a Facebook Pixel and Send to Your Website and How to Alter the Facebook Event Values on Landing and Other Pages. See also the extensive FAQs on Facebook advertising and Campaign management.

If used, select the Conversion Type and select the appropriate values if required. Note that in most cases a second page is shown, and the event is recorded on that new page.

  Conditional Redirects

Conditional Redirects is a big topic. As an essential feature for any form, the redirect to the second page is applied based on the first page or form interaction. Remember, the funnel journey continues at the subscription stage.

Subscription Form Conditional Redirects

  Pictured: Conditional Redirects is a big topic. As an essential feature for any form, the redirect to the second page is applied based on the first page or form interaction. Remember, the funnel journey continues at the subscription stage. Select the subscription condition and then apply the continued funnel journey attributes.

Related Reading: See also the FAQ on How to Create and Manage Form Conditional Redirections.

Conditional Landing Page Redirection

  Pictured: The Conditional Redirections are a form feature that'll redirect the user to a second page based on the first page interaction. The second page is a high-value asset that continues the funnel journey and applies appropriate pressured on the conversion (if it hasn't already taken place) or continues to establish your expertise and authoritativeness if the initial form converted by way of a calendar of phone booking.

For your early DIY efforts it is perfectly acceptable to use a single page redirect for subscribers of all types.

Select the subscription condition and then apply the continued funnel redirect options.

  The First Email

This is a little complicated at first. An autoresponder campaign is attached to a list, and that autoresponder campaign either starts at the first email (the email that carries a download link, webinar details, etc.) or it starts at a generic point that is common to all forms. In cases where you have multiple entry points to the same funnel, such as Refinancing campaigns, you might include the first email as part of the form, and then assign the generic follow-up sequence to the autoresponder campaign (based on the subscribed email marketing list).

Related Reading: See also the FAQ on How to Create and Manage an Email Autoresponder Program.

Subscription Form First Email

  Pictured: Define the First Email as required. The first email should be created for all primary conditions - the subscription, phone contacts, and calendar bookings. The first email should carry a download link to a resource, or link to the promised offer.

The first email has its own FAQ assigned to the Campaigns category. The First Email is optional.

  The Second Email

Not unlike the First Email, the Second Email is often focused on a specific objective (usually the purpose of creating the form). For this reason, a generic second email template is provided for that purpose. The Second Email, not unlike the First Email, is optional.

Subscription Form Second Email

  Pictured: The Second Email is often focused on a specific objective (usually the purpose of creating the form). For this reason, a generic second email template is provided for that purpose. The Second Email, not unlike the First Email, is optional.

Related Reading: See also the FAQ on How to Create and Manage an Email Autoresponder Program.

The second email has its own FAQ assigned to the Campaigns category.

  Broker Notification

You'll want to receive an email with lead details. If this option isn't defined, the Yabber Support email will send you an address with all applicable lead details. To define you own email (preferred), define in this panel.

Subscription Form Broker Email

  Pictured: You'll want to receive an email with lead details. If this option isn't defined, the Yabber Support email will send you an address with all applicable lead details. To define you own email (preferred), define in this panel.

  Subscription Messages

Subscription Messages are the messages returned after a user subscribes to a form. If a redirect is applied, the message will show for a short time before the redirect takes place, and if no redirect is applied, the form interaction terminates on the message.

Subscription Form Messages

  Pictured: You'll want to receive an email with lead details. If this option isn't defined, the Yabber Support email will send you an address with all applicable lead details. To define you own email (preferred), define in this panel.

The message accepts HTML.

  Text Above Form

The text above your form includes text, images, or other content within the form container. If you're including a video or image above the form, for example, this is where you will include the relevant text or shortcode.

Subscription Form Text Above Form

  Pictured: The text above form includes text, images, or other content within the form container. If you're including a video or image above the form, for example, this is where you will include the relevant text or shortcode.

A full WYSIWYG editor is provided so you're able to create content that presents to your liking.

  Text Below Form

The text below your form includes text, images, or other content within the form container. If you're including a video or image below the form, for example, this is where you will include the relevant text or shortcode.

Subscription Form Text Below Form

  Pictured: The text below your form includes text, images, or other content within the form container. If you're including a video or image below the form, for example, this is where you will include the relevant text or shortcode.

A full WYSIWYG editor is provided so you're able to create content that presents to your liking.

  Reviewing and Editing Forms

Subscription (and other) forms may be reviewed via the 'Review' panel. Select the green icon to return details on form attributes, and select the edit link to make changes to the form (selecting 'Save' will make the changes immediately on your website).

Review and Edit Forms

  Pictured: Subscription forms may be reviewed via the 'Review' panel. Select the green icon to return details on form attributes, and select the edit link to make changes to the form. Selecting 'Save' will make the changes immediately on your website.

■ ■ ■

  Related Form FAQs

Your website includes the most comprehensive form system in the industry. Some of the form features are listed below.

Your website supports a large number of our own in-house search tools that exist outside of the standard WordPress framework. This FAQ will introduce the 'BM Website Basic Search' search facility onto your website with shortcode or with the Elementor widget. Searching any website can be a nuisance, and the experience is one that can… [ Learn More ]

In a previous FAQ we looked at how to include an address validation field into a form on your website. This FAQ will introduce the same style of field that will automatically direct the user to the single page associated with each registered address in Australia. This feature is part of the broader Property… [ Learn More ]

Version of the Yabber Website Plugin in company with website framework 202406 updates includes a basic Emergency Services search engine. The search engine will return various services based on suburb and/or postcode and then redirect the user to a dedicated page. The feature is available with a shortcode and Elementor widget - this FAQ… [ Learn More ]

The Property Property Streets API, and the Validation Endpoint in particular, is a means to access registered street and registered address location from Yabber via a form input field. The Validation (or Autocomplete) endpoints are useful for searching property on user keystrokes. The validation may be used to ensure pinpoint accuracy is assured by way… [ Learn More ]

In an FAQ titled "How to Create and Manage Website Simple Panels in Yabber" we looked at how to create Simple Panels, with the panel providing the side-by-side form and lead magnet (image or video). This FAQ will look at the various options to place the Simple Panels on your website.


A simple panel is simply a two-column form. On the left side we have a form, and on the right side we have an image or video. As you're aware, we espouse the every-page conversion methodology, and this requires a high-value and relevant lead magnet (or 'offer') on every single page of your website. Every… [ Learn More ]

Forma And Panel escalation is a component of the large Conditional Content framework that underpins your mortgage broker website and finance funnels. Basic conditional content features are introduced in an FAQ titled The Basics of Conditional Content and Interest Types, while advanced methods are addressed individually. One of the simplest conditional options to employ… [ Learn More ]

Your website forms made available in Yabber and on your website are one of the most important marketing assets in your toolkit. They're the conduit that connects your website to Yabber and triggers the applicable automation schedules, logs the lead or prospect, and provides you with relevant notifications. Integration is made with various CRM systems,… [ Learn More ]

Your website's Referral Form is a dedicated resource with its own features and automation schedule. Managed via Yabber and an Elementor block or shortcode, it may be applied anywhere on your website. It is expected that the form will be integral to your formalised referral, partner, and EDGE post-settlement/repricing programs. You will find the 'Referral… [ Learn More ]

Every page of your website requires either a form or simple panel - we know this. This FAQ will details how to assign your created forms and panels to various 'hooked' locations on your website, and how to create Custom Locations anywhere on your website with Elementor (or WordPress shortcode). Assigning forms to various locations… [ Learn More ]

A Simple Panel is a form and 'something' alongside it, such as an image or video. In this FAQ we will look at how to change the Simple Panel as shown on the front page of your website.

Front Page Simple Panel
Navigate your way to Yabber's 'Front Page' module… [ Learn More ]

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