In addition to the fact the second page form redirection will send a user to a page based on their form interaction (every form includes an Outlook-integrated calendar, so we resolve phone numbers, appointments, and basic subscibers), a number of other things happen. We have standard form automation, of course, such as email, list subsciptions, autoresponder sequences, SMS and CRM magic, business notifications, and so on (all actioned in Yabber), but the form submission also tells us a *lot* about the user (such as their 'Interest' type) that'll help us create funnel pathways.
First, and as pictured, we don't want to show a user the form again after they've subscribed - regardless of the page they subscribed from, including a landing page - so we set up vertical escalation profile. From within Yabber, we drag and drop forms and panels into the order we would like them shown on our website for any specific form. Remember, a marketing funnel (unlike the typical subscription nonsense peddled to the market) is about "what comes next", and we have to actively shape the user experience so we don't drag a user around in circles (a journey implies a changing landscape). The vertical form escalation supports the broader 'escalation of commitment' necessary to drive conversions.
It's worth mentioning that when a user subscribes to a first home buyer form or panel, we have what we call a 'declaration', and we have the capacity to change front page content, or swap out the front page for another, based on our new understanding of that specific user. This conditional behaviour is part of a system we call 'Switch'. Not all brokers use it... but they should. This data is also fed into the only industry AI (BeNet), and helps automate the user journey.
A form is more than a form... and it's far more than a conduit between your website and your business. It's the launchpad for a crafted funnel journey.